Idaho's new bill could change how police use license plate readers and eliminate the need for front plates on some vehicles.
Flat Rock City Council approved $13,800 to purchase FLOCK Camera/License Plate Readers (LPR) for the city at its March 17 meeting.
Beaver Nation fans have a fun new way to support Oregon State University. An OSU Beaver license plate will be available to ...
Customising vehicles with fancy registration numbers is a global trend. Here's how you can easily secure a fancy number plate ...
New license plate rules go into effect soon in New York City, which could mean fines for drivers with obstructed plates.  The ...
Over 4,000 cars have been impounded since a collaborative state and city task force began cracking down on ghost license ...
The Idaho Sheriffs' Association has introduced a new design for the state's youth license plate. This updated look aims to ...
The average license plate, like a muddled Rorschach test, is often an indecipherable jumble of numbers and letters. Granite ...
Over 4,000 cars have been impounded since multiple law enforcement agencies joined forces last year to conduct ghost license plate operations on New York City roadways, ...