Take Reddit user [Lord_of_Bone]’s Nerf Gun ammo counter and range finder, for example, a great example of having a great idea and looking around for the ways to implement it. For the range ...
Fortnite has swiftly walked back on a weapon nerf that it issued recently, making many players question why the change was ...
NERF SHELLINGTON Shell Eject Blaster! #nerf #macdannygun Buy this blaster here: <a href="https://www.shellingtonblasters.com">https://www.shellingtonblasters.com</a ...
The Nerf Loadout line launches alongside two new additions to the company's Gelfire line that uses gel-based ammo that pops ...
Ahead of the next major content update next week, Fortnite Battle Royale is making some balance adjustments that you might ...
This is not a simple change to make, and rests on his ability to design and manufacture a bolt-action that fits in the gun, works with the Nerf ammo, and uses a CO2 canister and solenoid valve for ...
The Nerf Loadout line launches alongside two new additions to the company's Gelfire line that uses gel-based ammo that pops instead of needing to be picked up like darts. The $70 Nerf Pro ...