The sprawling collection features thousands upon thousands of items, including miniature figurines, artifacts, model trucks ...
WILLIAMSBURG, Va. — With veterans watching on, a bronze sculpture honoring the World War II battle of Iwo Jima was lifted ...
The Navy’s deficient planning approach to designing, building and delivering ships has led to huge cost increases, delays in ...
Before he passed, former Texas Tech Professor Bill Pasewark recalled seeing "things that stay with you forever" on Iwo Jima during World War II.
The USS Nevada served in World War I and World War II and sat off Bikini Atoll in July 1946 during atomic bomb tests, ...
You cannot visit the USS Indianapolis — it’s at the bottom of the Philippine Sea — but you can visit a 13-foot scale model at ...
and infantry weapons as well as new naval weapons like ironclads. Chaisson is a veteran of many New York State Military Museum presentations. He has discussed the history of World War II aircraft ...
An early candidate for Broadway’s song of the season has announced itself. “Dear Bill” is sung by the actor Jak Malone ...
the Navy will retire 13 more warships than it will commission, reducing the fleet to 283 vessels. All of which makes the stated goal of reaching 381 battle force ships in 30 years — and the $1 ...
On March 10, 1783, the last naval battle of the American Revolution was fought off Cape Canaveral as Captains John Barry and John Green tried to deliver a shipload of Spanish silver to the ...
Britain took the island from France during the Napoleonic wars and used it to track Japan’s navy during World War II. The US presence at Diego Garcia dates back to the 1960s, when India ...
Backroom Deals in Our Backyards: How Government Secrecy Harms Our Communities and the Local Heroes Fighting Back ...