US company Bell Textron is preparing the market here for the sale of its new FLRAA tilt-rotor helicopter. Last year, the US ...
Learn about the $590 million CMV-22B aircraft contract modification received by the Bell Textron and Boeing joint venture ...
KEVIN KNODELL / KKNODELL @STARADVERTISER.COM A crew member aboard an American V-22 Osprey transporting a group of international military personnel to the USS Carl Vinson during RIMPAC 2024. 1 /8 KEVIN ...
The U.S. Navy has awarded a $590 million contract modification to the Bell Boeing Joint Program Office for the production and ...
New memos from the Air Force and the Navy warn troops to watch their political speech online and in person, and even ...
The military will be resuming V-22 flights with the understanding that “catastrophic failures due to inclusions is as high as ...
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft from Marine Medium ... “By modernizing the kill chain, the 31st MEU and other sensor teams in the Marine Corps will be able to integrate with target ...
Falcon is the fifth Navy ship of the Osprey class to be launched by Intermarine. The vessel is 188 ft. (51.1 m) long, displaces 890 metric tons, and is one of the world's largest ships to be ...
Watson, left, student naval aviator, is awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal at the National Naval Aviation Museum, ...
(Lance Cpl. Joshua Barker/Marine Corps) The air crew told their Marines that the Osprey was going down. Capt. Joshua Watson, nearly two dozen other Marines and a sailor braced for impact.