Most fusion startups are pursuing one of two approaches: inertial confinement, where lasers compress fuel pellets to ignite fusion pulses, and magnetic ... validity of the concept, but its ...
The concept ... powerful magnetic fields would channel hydrogen from the interstellar medium (ISM) into a magnetic confinement chamber, compressing it until nuclear fusion occurs.
As covered previously, plasma stability is a problem with the popular approach of tokamak-based magnetic confinement fusion (MCF). Although this core problem has now been largely addressed ...
In particular, he has focused on solving problems related to the physics of runaway electrons – a kind of energy leakage – and other energetic particles in magnetic confinement fusion devices.
New results published in Nuclear Fusion confirm General Fusion successfully created magnetized plasmas that achieved energy confinement times exceeding 10 milliseconds. The published energy ...
The published energy confinement time results were achieved on General Fusion’s PI3 plasma injector ... were achieved without requiring active magnetic stabilization or auxiliary heating.
The published energy confinement time results were achieved on General Fusion’s PI3 plasma injector—the world’s largest and most powerful plasma injector of its kind. Commissioned in 2017 ...
Successfully harnessing the power of fusion energy could lead to cleaner and safer energy for all—and contribute ...
Fusion energy, the process of fusing light atomic nuclei to generate energy, has long been considered the key to a clean and ...