A priest in Ukraine has given an account of his role in offering spiritual support to soldiers on the frontline of the ...
Based within the Dragonville Retail Park, the centre offers furniture, electricals and everything that is available in its ...
The Battle of Teutoburg forest is a story of betrayal, of one man’s vehement desire to liberate his people from Roman rule and the brutal, bloody lengths he would go to achieve it. Tristan Hughes ...
The Roman Soldiers Museum is expanding its exhibition to include a more extensive collection of authentic Roman military artifacts, allowing guests to explore the daily life and battle-ready ...
The brilliant thing about the discoveries here is that they don't just give you the kind of official version of what life was like in the Roman Army. The letters that were dug up here were written ...
The first was a renewal of the ban on transgender people joining the U.S. military—initially ... than that a cinaedus' life was terrible, base and miserable. Later Roman authors provide more ...
March 15th and 16th are dates that resonates through history, marked by events that have shaped the world in profound ways.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts is challenging a city mayor’s plan to erect statues of two Catholic ...
The first was a renewal of the ban on transgender people joining the U.S. military – initially signed ... He says little more than that a cinaedus’ life was terrible, base and miserable. Later Roman ...
Brent Plisch had served as interim chief of police of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Police Department since February ...
AS THE Ukrainian flag was draped around his shoulders, Shaun Pinner had just one thought – this is the moment I am going to ...