Introducing Project K: The League of Legends Trading Card Game Decks are built around a single Champion Legend unit, reminiscent of how Commander decks are built in Magic: The Gathering.
That’s right – the new League of Legends card game Project K will hit shelves in English-speaking nations before the end of 2025, according to Guskin. While he doesn’t specify which ...
Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, has news about its upcoming physical trading card game Project K. The announcement was made on Friday (December 6): This is likely the same LoL TCG that ...
Looks like League of Legends is finally leveling up to live-action. Riot Games is reportedly moving forward with a ...
Riot Games is taking the League of Legends franchise into another medium, with a massively-multiplayer online roleplaying game set in the expansive Runeterra universe now well into development.