In addition, the German government reported on the transfer of 282,000 rounds of ammunition for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, ammunition for Gepard guns ... more than 600 laser rangefinders and ...
In addition, the German government reported on the transfer of 282,000 rounds of ammunition for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, ammunition for Gepard guns ... more than 600 laser rangefinders ...
"Wir sind bereits in der Lage, mit diesem Laser Flugzeuge in einer Höhe von ... MARS II sowie den Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard. Weitere Instandsetzungseinrichtungen der deutschen Industrie ...
For air defense, the package contains 41,000 rounds of ammunition for the GEPARD self-propelled anti-aircraft system ... The package also includes 645 laser rangefinders, 74,000 rounds of 44mm ...
As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, the German government is ready to send its armed forces to participate in a possible peacekeeping mission that could be deployed on the territory of ...
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Vor dem Hintergrund einer sich womöglich anbahnenden Waffenruhe zwischen Russland und der Ukraine hat Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz eine weitere, dauerhafte Unterstützung der Ukraine angemahnt.
Since the start of the full-scale war, Germany has allocated the largest amount of aid to Ukraine among all European countries.