A neo-noir action thriller film series that follows Jonathan 'John' Wick, a former assassin, who comes out of retirement seeking vengeance for the theft of his vintage car and the murder of the ...
Where can you watch the first John Wick (and all the sequels) right now? Check out where to stream all four movies, including ...
While Keanu Reeves is open to John Wick 5, knee problems make it unlikely. He will, however, cameo in the spinoff, From the ...
With the untimely death of his beloved wife still bitter in his mouth, John Wick, the expert former assassin, receives one final gift from her--a precious keepsake to help John find a new meaning ...
It’s free, but you have to watch the occasional block of ads. It’s worth it, though, for these John Wick movies, which are some of the best action movies ever made. Any action movie fan will ...
2014's John Wick was an unexpected commercial and critical hit that would redefine the way audiences saw and consumed action throughout the late 2010s. The film, starring beloved icon Keanu Reeves ...
Bound by an inescapable blood debt to the Italian crime lord, Santino D'Antonio, and with his precious 1969 Mustang stolen, John Wick--the taciturn and pitiless assassin who thirsts for seclusion ...