Takamatsu Gushiken has spent years voluntarily locating bodies, and fragments of bodies, of World War II victims in ... Telephone: *2421 * Extension 4 Jerusalem Post or 03-7619056 Fax: 03-5613699 ...
The company’s current production, A Picasso, is a one-act play by award-winning playwright Jeffrey Hatcher that opens a window onto a less familiar corner of World War II history. Set in 1941 ...
The fact is that unlike the situation that existed at the onset of World War II, there is no country in the world today except for the United States capable of starting World War III with any hope ...
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF A Kormet anti-tank missile discovered ... "We need to understand what this means – we will go to a much harder war in a few years. This is something very difficult ...
Already, multiple top Israeli sources have confirmed to The Jerusalem Post that the timing of the operation was coordinated ...