Jamie Wyeth, also known as James Browning Wyeth, is an American artist born in 1946. He is associated with the Brandywine School and is known for his work in oil painting, watercolor, and tempera. His ...
Jamie Wyeth comes from a family of artists. Besides his famous father, Andrew Wyeth, there is his grandfather, illustrator N.C. Wyeth. Jamie, like his family, has strong ties to the Brandywine River ...
It includes paintings and illustrations by Andrew Wyeth, his son Jamie Wyeth and his father, the illustrator N.C. Wyeth. Wyeth paintings have often fetched big prices, including one by N.C. Wyeth ...
Jamie Wyeth is the son of Andrew Wyeth, the well-known and popular artist of the mid-1900s who painted landscapes, structures, and people near his homes in Pennsylvania and Maine. Angermeier ...
Curators at the Dayton Art Institute recently announced their entertaining mix of new exhibits for the coming year, and three major exhibitions will focus on an internationally known artist, a beloved ...
Twenty works owned by late Linda Bean go under hammer in New York alongside Rockwell painting valued at $3-5m.