Declared a noxious weed, the Congress grass or Gajar booti has become a major health concern not only for residents of the ...
Noxious weeds cost Australia billions of dollars each year in agricultural and environmental degradation. These weeds of national significance are among the worst.
Wooly Green Grazers of Center will provide and manage 50 animals as an environmentally friendly alternative to herbicides.
Meet the most common botanical interlopers you're likely to find in your garden or vegetable patch, and learn how to treat ...
Invasive weeds are growing more aggressively now than they will at any other time, so justify diligent abatement while they are easy to pull.
Connecticut awarded $400,000 to 12 projects that will reduce the impacts of aquatic invasive species on inland waters in the state.
Del. Holly Seibold, D-Fairfax, introduced House Bill 1941 and Sen. Saddam Salim, D-Fairfax, introduced Senate Bill 1166. The ...
This annual, broadleaf weed is often mis-identified as harmless “mimosa seedlings”, but Chamberbitter (Phyllanthus urinaria), ...
Even golf course superintendents, with all their expertise and advanced equipment, don't win every battle against weeds.
California wildflower blooms may not be as impressive this year, but new research points to a way you can still help native ...