Researchers have found new evidence for a massive subsurface ocean on Mars, highlighting the possibility of microbial life ...
NASA’s InSight lander recorded surprisingly large quakes that indicate Mars is more seismically active than we first thought.
Seismic readings of the interior of Mars strongly suggest large quantities of water buried 6 to 12 miles underground.
Mars might hold enough subsurface water to cover its surface in a global ocean between 0.62 to 1.24 miles (1 to 2 kilometers) ...
More than 3 billion years ago, Mars intermittently had liquid water on its surface. After the planet lost much of its ...
Fluid-rock interactions on ancient Mars may have produced abundant magnetic minerals that preserved unusually intense records ...
Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) mission, which launched in 2018 and placed a single lander on Mars to collect geophysical data to study the planet's interior. Although the mission ended in ...
Scientists have speculated that vast quantities of water are buried between six and 12 miles under the surface of Mars, which ...