At the time the deal was announced, a PNG government media release described Epoca Group Ltd as "Italian based". But its owners and directors, Gilberto Maggiolo and Antonio Bosso, are Australian ...
This is what PNG’s inclusion into the competition means for the NRL. As the gateway to Asia, PNG holds increasing geopolitical importance for Australia as China extends its influence in the Pacific.
These sites are of profound significance to Shi'a Muslims and have been the focus of concerns regarding potential attacks amid ongoing regional tensions. The journalist further clarified statements ...
Grønlands selvstyreformand slår over for TV 2 fast, at Grønland "ikke er til salg og aldrig vil komme til salg". Donald Trumps seneste udmelding om ejerskab og kontrol over Grønland viser ...
Andrew Moyo erstatter Adam Duvå Hall, der bliver fast vært på et andet TV 2-program. Efter 11 år hos Danmarks Radio har 33-årige Andrew Moyo valgt at stoppe som tv- og radiovært på DR P3.
Det blev ikke til en sejr i 'Vild med dans' for TV 2-profilen Rasmus Staghøj, men han har alligevel haft grund til at fejre her i december. I et opslag på Instagram afslører han nemlig ...
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 26 (UPI) --Season 2 of Squid Game, on Netflix Thursday, manages to deliver the suspense as effectively as its first season, while also expanding the story. The long-awaited ...
Foto: Henrik Ohsten/TV 2 Nogen har muligvis holdt hånden over tv-parret Michael og Lise Vandborg, da de efter en julefrokost besluttede at droppe at køre forbi pizzeriaet. For havde de gjort det ...
Det skriver TV 2 på deres Facebookside, hvor de har lagt et billede op af tallet '2025' og teksten 'Ny sæson'. Fans af tv-serien 'Klovn' vil genkende skrifttypen - og overfor B.T. bekræfter TV 2, at ...
ATLANTA — The so-called “dancing doctor” no longer treats patients at the medical facility where a Channel 2 Action News investigation tracked her down. Dancing videos posted on social media ...
Members of the United States intelligence community are increasingly worried that Iran is moving toward the production of nuclear weapons, according to a report from the Office of the United ...
Dec. 5 (UPI) --Netflix is introducing new characters from Squid Game Season 2. The streaming service shared a poster and teaser Wednesday showcasing new faces from the upcoming season ...