The reactor, called Lawson Machine 26 (LM26), is General Fusion’s latest iteration in a string of devices that have tested ...
In a comprehensive experimental study, an international team of researchers has confirmed the calculations of a leading ...
Scientists are conducting experiments to generate clean energy through fusion, the same sub-atomic reaction that powers our Sun, with the aim of constructing plants that produce more energy than they ...
The company announced yesterday that it had created plasma inside ... Target Fusion Technology The company hopes it will achieve scientific breakeven equivalent – where the fusion reaction ...
Last week, however, a team in France got a step closer when they kept a plasma reaction going for longer than ever before. Nuclear fusion uses extremely high pressures and temperatures to force ...
On Monday, Paddle Australia announced Hydrostadium as the official whitewater partner of the 2025 International Canoe Federation (ICF) Canoe Slalom World Championships, set to take place in ...
Accordingly, physicists have been investigating the energy released during nuclear fusion reactions, but the challenge of converting it into a viable source of energy has proven to be persistently ...
Representatives from all disciplines came together in a spirit of unity at the first-ever International Canoe Federation (ICF) Paddle Summit in Hangzhou, China, highlighting meaningful discussions ...
The next step for the Chinese is to sustain plasma reactions longer ... Canada-based General Fusion just announced it had successfully created plasma inside a prototype reactor as it seeks ...