The much vaunted scheme was spruiked as a pathway into a sustainable future for the Australian trucking industry and meant to ...
Toyota New Zealand, which supplied the fuel cells for the truck, has been at the forefront of promoting hydrogen as a ...
AMSL Aero has partnered with Formula 1 car engine cooling provider Conflux Technology to pioneer long-range zero-emissions ...
Aerospace giant Airbus says its new single-aisle concept could fly in the late 2030s, with hydrogen propulsion system testing ...
It’s a relatively quiet year for Honda in 2025 as the Japanese automaker rolls out refreshed versions of its Civic compact ...
The cuts, if carried through, would politicize the federal funds that Congress and the Biden administration awarded to seven regional applicants as part of the bipartisan infrastructure law.
The NCTD’s new hydrogen fueling station is a part of the agency’s effort to make a full transition to zero-emission ...
After five years of research, Airbus has introduced its revised ZEROe aircraft concept, a hydrogen aircraft that will be ...
Hydrogen propulsion developer ZeroAvia has teamed with autonomous flight specialist Reliable Robotics for a U.S. Air ...
Despite delaying service entry by up to 10 years, Airbus is still pressing ahead with its ZEROe hydrogen aircraft programme ...
Daimler Truck’s development team has built up first prototypes of Mercedes-Benz GenH2 trucks and has recently put them ...