The effects of human-driven climate change surged to alarming levels in 2024, with some consequences likely to be ...
New species of shark, sea butterfly, mud dragon, bamboo coral, water bear, octocoral, and shrimp were just some of the marine ...
The World Meteorological Organization has said clear signs of human-induced climate change reached new heights in 2024, with ...
As the current US administration seeks to play down and even question human-caused climate change, new findings paint a very ...
The ocean covers nearly three-quarters of our planet but scientists say we have barely scratched the surface of what lives in ...
With a global average pH of 8.1 ocean water is slightly alkaline. But the good news is that our bodies can handle it – ...
Deep-sea fish thrive in extreme pressure, darkness, and pollution, revealing new survival mechanisms and threats.
An extraordinary jump in ocean temperatures in 2023 and 2024 was at the extreme end of expectations from global warming and ...
While oceans cover most of our planet, not much has been done to protect its biodiversity, manage the conservation of ocean life and establish marine protected areas in the high seas. United ...
The ocean covers nearly three-quarters of our planet but scientists say we have barely scratched the surface of what lives in ...
Arctic temperatures spiked 36 degrees Fahrenheit, or 20 Celsius, above normal. By the end of the month, sea ice was at its ...
New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, ...