THE unhealthiest crisps, nuts and popcorn products have been revealed in a damning report. Action on Salt and Sugar exposed ...
Boost your heart health with simple snacks. Discover how pecans can be your go-to choice for better heart health and ...
Packed with calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, pecans have been linked to improving the cholesterol balance can reduce heart disease risk.
New research suggests that just one particular swap in your diet can reduce your risk of heart disease - and it's a snack ...
Nuts, popcorn and ‘healthy’ crisps face daytime ad ban over salt content - The government is set to ban junk food adverts ...
The new research comes at a time when heart attacks are the number one killer globally for both sexes, as per statistics from ...
Researchers found up to 9 in 10 of some types of snacks are so unhealthy they will be restricted from being advertised on TV ...
New research suggests that just one particular swap in your diet can reduce your risk of heart disease - and it's a snack ...
A diet rich in fibre can help combat various gut-related discomforts and other health problems. However, many people lack sufficient fibre in their diet. If you are one of them, check out these easy ...
New research has found that many seemingly healthy snacks given to kids are actually full of sugar and salt – far more than a ...
With less than eight months to go until the UK’s landmark advertising ban kicks in, a new report from Action on Salt and Sugar based at Queen Mary ...
Scientists have long known about the downsides of red and processed meats. Eating them has been linked with increased risks ...