Every game night has its staple of excitement and thrill alongside competition with multiplayer games. From strategy-based ...
The Epic Games mobile store launched a new program releasing free titles every week, starting with an acclaimed platformer ...
Unlike James Bond films, the "Mission: Impossible" movies usually avoid gadget-laden vehicles armed with rocket launchers ... chatting with each other on handheld cell phones, which is hugely ...
Ukrainian forces shoot down about 80% of Russian drones throughout Kherson, but remain vulnerable to airstrikes and missiles, the spokesperson of Ukrainian forces in the province said on Friday.
Ahoy there! Aloha! Konnichiwa! Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii takes Majima to various treasure islands, small seaside villages as well as the bustling big city of Honolulu. The game features loads of side ...
A number of defense contractors led by Raytheon tested a Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle A2-based autonomous rocket ...
There are no customer satellites aboard the first Spectrum test flight. The rocket will climb into a polar orbit from Andøya ...
The second big upgrade is the introduction of digital capacitive, standard-size joysticks. Abxylute claims the One Pro is the ...
The aerospace leader now plans to take feedback from the PC-C5 event and continue launcher development and testing.
U.S. defense contractor Raytheon announced a successful test of the DeepStrike autonomous mobile launcher vehicle this week.