Every game night has its staple of excitement and thrill alongside competition with multiplayer games. From strategy-based ...
Ukrainian forces shoot down about 80% of Russian drones throughout Kherson, but remain vulnerable to airstrikes and missiles, the spokesperson of Ukrainian forces in the province said on Friday.
A number of defense contractors led by Raytheon tested a Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle A2-based autonomous rocket ...
There are no customer satellites aboard the first Spectrum test flight. The rocket will climb into a polar orbit from Andøya ...
The second big upgrade is the introduction of digital capacitive, standard-size joysticks. Abxylute claims the One Pro is the ...
The aerospace leader now plans to take feedback from the PC-C5 event and continue launcher development and testing.
U.S. defense contractor Raytheon announced a successful test of the DeepStrike autonomous mobile launcher vehicle this week.
[Michael Pick] wanted to build something altogether more devastating. To that end, he created a rocket launcher with an advanced air burst capability, intended to take out enemies behind cover.