Automated systems splutter as raw materials are fed into the machines to begin the process of creating highly-explosive ...
New research suggests that women were the scribes of at least 1.1 percent of manuscripts in the Latin West between 400 and ...
We don’t know how the the life of this bear was, but its end came in the darkness, at the bottom of a pit in a narrow Romanian cave. There were no claw marks on the stone, no signs of a struggle, just ...
In new book, UChicago’s Ada Palmer explores popular misunderstandings of the Renaissance and historical myths used for ...
Cesar Chavez – Commemorative Celebration: The City of Glendale presents the cultural event with community information booths, ...
As measles cases rise in Alberta, many adults may be wondering whether they're protected against the highly contagious — and potentially dangerous — virus. As of Thursday there were 14 confirmed cases ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The FBI has cut staffing in an office focused on domestic terrorism and has scrapped a tool used to track such investigations, in a shift that could undermine law enforcement’s ...
When gun-cotton was first discovered, no other idea was entertained respecting its application than that of superseding gunpowder as an explosive agent. Since that period, however, it has ...