THOMASVILLE- Thomasville High School student Ella Kate Carroll is the winner of the Thomas County Farm Bureau High School Art ...
How Deep is Your Love” plays in the background of the video, which has caught the eye of 266,000 TikTok viewers since March 9 ...
Art has the power to amaze, but few forms are as mind-bending as hyperrealistic 3D drawings. The ability to create images ...
A painting in Blair Hobbs’s new exhibition features a cut-out drawing of Flannery O’Connor in a pearl choker and purple ...
Beginning when he was in his early eighties, in a prolific decade of art making, Traylor produced more than 1200 drawings in graphite, colored pencil, poster paints and crayon ...
Getting to outer space is tough, but living there presents a whole new slew if issues. Check out how astronauts accomplish ...
LYRA is the internationally recognized supplier to Waldorf school offering Waldorf Selection A unique Selection of 12 Unlacquered super ferby colored pencils selected by Waldorf Teachers AP ...
Student artwork from Fairfield High School and Pekin Middle/High School will be on display throughout April at the Fairfield ...
French writer Victor Hugo is famous for penning "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" and "Les Miserables", but less known is his ...
Crayola has announced the return of eight of its retired crayons to revive nostalgia while encouraging creativity ...