The animated film 'The Glassworker,' directed by Usman Riaz, is contending for an Oscar, putting Pakistan's animation talent on the global stage.
Latvian animated fable Flow ( now streaming on VOD services like Amazon Prime Video) is one of those nontraditional films that find a way to sneak into the awards race and maybe upset some big-studio ...
Welcome to the wonderfully weird corner of the internet where practicality meets pure whimsy – a place where your spice rack ...
Latin America is a land of jaw-dropping biodiversity. Stretching from Mexico down to the southern tip of South America, this ...
The first season explored Japanese horror, Stephen King adaptations, cliches of the genre and more, via commentary by actors, filmmakers and other experts; here, we dig into the first episode of ...
It's the time of year when scientific organizations take a look back at some of the most amazing new animals, plants, fungi ...
Once a fabric store in a 19th-century building, the home of Paris-based interior and product designer Adrien Dupuy is a compact, functional living space inspired by van life and his travels. Dupuy ...