The sun has somewhat surprised forecasters today with a dramatic X-class solar flare from a newly emerging sunspot region.
As the sun reaches its solar maximum, a strong solar flare erupted on March 28, which may enhance the visibility of the northern lights and disrupt technology.
Some U.S. states could be treated with a northern lights display due a minor geomagnetic storm on the sun, according to space ...
The other part of the good news is the timing of the possible northern lights. Notice that NOAA forecasts a Kp Index of 4 ...
Viewing opportunities in the northern lights forecast are significantly better than initially reported yesterday and ...
Some across the U.S. may again have a chance to see the northern lights Tuesday night as material hurled out by the sun ...
The current law focuses on the behavior of the dogs, not the breeds. Aggressive dogs fall into three categories and their behavior must be unprovoked and documented. Here's how it breaks down ...
Charged particles travel down the magnetic field lines in the Polar Regions, producing the visual manifestation of a geomagnetic storm that we know as the aurora. During very large events, the ...
The northern lights may be visible Saturday night in about ten states across the northern United States, according to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecast, as geomagnetic ...
While this evolutionary approach is effective, it assumes geomagnetic invariance, which is often not the case during regular low-altitude flights where the geomagnetic field is dynamic and complex. To ...
Geomagnetic activity can produce more frequent auroras around the equinoxes. (Image credit: Westend61 via Getty Images) The sun is about to enter the Northern Hemisphere, which means some stunning ...