Democrats are in for a long, hot summer. The party that has so publicly pledged itself to making New Jersey a more affordable ...
And manufacturers are working on more products that are designed to easily replace gas appliances. "I know there are ...
Heat industry, think tanks and fuel poverty campaigners have slammed the decision by the Scottish Government to delay its Heat in Buildings Bill.
The final remains of the massive boiler house at the former Cheswick Generating Station was pulled down shortly after 1 p.m. Saturday. Thick dust, including pieces of fiberglass insulation ...
University of Stuttgart, Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology - IFK, Pfaffenwaldring 23, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany ...
it seemed uncertain which way we were going in the effort to get off burning natural gas. There were various potential clean options: air-source heat pumps, ground-source, district heating ...
THE Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) wants liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a power source for food processing ... crucial energy source for key industries that require reliable heating and ...
because McKinsey anticipates a slower-than-expected transition to electric heat pumps from gas-burning boilers, and stronger than anticipated gas demand in power generation and district heating.
Rising natural gas prices have prompted Enbridge to issue a public notice that an unusually large hike to gas bills is on the way. According to a letter sent to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), the ...
(Gray News) - Gas boilers have been recalled after two people died from carbon monoxide poisoning. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Triangle Tube recalled three gas boilers - the ...
The boiler house at Springdale’s former Cheswick Generating Station isn’t going down without a fight. The pull-down demolition of the structure started at about 9:35 a.m. Sunday. But only 70% ...
Between February 11 and 14, India’s Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, or MoPNG ... emissions is from producing electricity and heating. MoPNG said that the India Energy Week attracted ...