An arborist offered to “top” my shade tree that has grown so large that branches touch the house. Should I have him do that?
We asked our readers to share their very favorite spots in their home states, and they delivered with insider tips, personal ...
If you’re gearing up to plant fruits, vegetables or herbs this spring, why not grow some extra to donate to your local soup kitchen or pantry?
"This is so impressive!" Gardener shares photos of massive plants growing in unbelievable location: 'This is just amazing' ...
‘Throwing chopped citrus peels into your soil is another trick. They gradually release nitrogen and phosphorus, improving ...
The best way to support and maintain a healthy sustainable community is by protecting wildlife, birds and pollinators.
The Southwest peach, once cultivated by Indigenous peoples but devastated by colonizers, is being brought back by a Navajo ...
Gardeners and horticulturists say Mainers can help cut grocery costs by turning to backyard and indoor gardening as costs ...
Growing cilantro is easy, but this cool-weather herb quickly flowers and goes to seed as temperatures rise. This can be ...
To kick off the garden education series this year, classes will be held at both community gardens: two classes at Vista Lake ...
Cover crops like millet, sorghum, and black-eyed peas have been successful at the botanic gardens. They improve water ...