What can a moon’s tidal friction teach us about its formation and evolution? This is what a recent study published in Science ...
Scientists are studying Saturn's moon Titan to assess its tidal dissipation rate, the energy lost as it orbits the ringed planet with its massive gravitational force. Understanding tidal dissipation ...
A couple of days later astrophotographer Matt Smith captured a rare “lunar-lunar eclipse” when Io partially eclipsed Ganymede ... Dropping Plans To Fly To Titan, Burn Its Lakes And Bring ...
In order of how much water each world has, from the least to the most, the wettest are: Enceladus, Dione, Earth, Europa, Pluto, Triton, Callisto, Titan, and Ganymede. Mimas, a moon of Saturn ...
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) scientists are studying Saturn’s moon Titan to assess its tidal dissipation rate, the ...