ELT bisa menjadi alat yang menjawab pertanyaan terbesar dalam sejarah manusia: Apakah ada kehidupan lain di luar Bumi?
Objek luar angkasa yang tampak seperti 'tornado kosmik' ternyata menyembunyikan sebuah galaksi spiral di latar belakang.
Astronomers using the mighty James Webb Space Telescope have captured direct images of four planets in a star system 130 ...
The ringed gas giant Saturn has officially replaced Jupiter as the planet in our solar system with the most moons. The International Astronomical Union officially recognized 128 new moons orbiting ...
antara foto/rony muharrman/kye/16 tirto.id - Gambar mewarnai tema Ramadhan menjadi salah satu cara kreatif untuk mengisi waktu anak-anak selama bulan suci ini. Aktivitas mewarnai tidak hanya seru, ...
Mereka telah menjelajahi Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus, dan Neptunus, mengirimkan gambar dan data yang menakjubkan tentang planet-planet raksasa tersebut dan satelit-satelitnya. Kini, mereka berada di ...
Nah, berikut ini bahasan tentang Kode Alam Binatang 2D 3D 4D + Gambar, Erek Erek dan Primbon yang bisa kamu ketahui secara lengkap. Jika kamu pernah bermimpi atau mengalami mimpi tentang Kode alam ...
According to new reports, Ballistic Moon, the developer of the Until Dawn remake, has been effectively shut down. The first round of layoffs hit Ballistic Moon a month before the remake's release ...
On Feb. 28, a stellar alignment of planets will illuminate the night sky for the last time in a decade Space Frontiers/Hulton Archive/Getty Calling all stargazers and astronomy enthusiasts ...
On any given night, weather permitting, you can spot at least one bright planet in the sky, and lineups of four or five planets, seen by the naked eye, typically occur every few years, according ...
Most are expected to be visible to the naked eye, though not all seven. The alignment is known as a planet parade — a planetary lineup in space from Earth’s perspective. The alignment takes ...