After five years of research, Airbus has introduced its revised ZEROe aircraft concept, a hydrogen aircraft that will be ...
Scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Cincinnati achieved a ...
Despite delaying service entry by up to 10 years, Airbus is still pressing ahead with its ZEROe hydrogen aircraft programme ...
In a world increasingly aware of the environmental impact of fossil fuels, researchers are embarking on a venture to find ...
Solar cells convert sunlight into clean energy—but if the solar cells themselves are made of toxic materials, it almost ...
The team recorded 24 hours of the cellular construction process, revealing surprising new details about how plant cell walls ...
Among the many marvels of life is the cell's ability to divide and thus enable organisms to grow and renew themselves. For ...
Life takes shape with the motion of a single cell. In response to signals from certain proteins and enzymes, a cell can start ...
A retired Drug Enforcement Administration agent revealed how Mexican cartels, U.S. gangs and sanctuary cities are fueling ...
As time and usage continue, the Honda Insight Hybrid will need its battery pack replaced. Thankfully, this occurs very late ...
Who were our earliest ancestors? The answer could lie in a special group of single-celled organisms with a cytoskeleton similar to that of complex organisms, such as animals and plants.
It introduced it as the “first electric light jet designed for hydrogen propulsion, featuring a clean-sheet architecture ...