Many dogwood varieties don’t need sun and will tolerate partial- to full-shade conditions. One spectacular species to try is ...
With careful purchases, even basics like glassware, lamps and furniture can add to your home and bring a smile to your face ...
Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea). Foxglove beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis ... In my articles, I like to encourage planting native plants, so pollinators and other wildlife have more ...
With leaves that are both toxic and hairy, foxgloves aren’t a favourite of ... slugs when they first emerge in spring, but the plants grow strongly and are rarely attacked later on. The dark purple ...
Foxgloves traditionally bear pink-purple spring flowers with beautiful spotted insides, but you can also get white and orange-flowering varieties. Most foxgloves are biennial, meaning they flower and ...
March winter is wearying. Gift your yard with an early spring by planting early spring flowers. Start planning what you'll ...
Dog owners could face a vet’s bill of up to £500 if their daily walk leads to their pooches eating any potentially fatal ...
Give your budding flowers and green shoots a helping hand this week, tackle unwelcome invaders and start coaxing your lawn ...
Loropetalums have a bold beauty in landscapes that I admire, but I’ve noticed that the traditional, large varieties can ...
Dog owners could face a vet’s bill of up to £500 if their daily walk leads to their pooches eating any potentially fatal plants, such ...
The sun shone bright, birds zipped around the sky and tiny, vivid purple, yellow and white flowers flared at my feet.