Are the Wellday gardening sleeves really capable of protecting your arms from scratches and thorns? I tested them to find out ...
Deciding to get a tattoo is a semi-permanent decision. Aside from choosing the tattoo artist and your designated design, it’s ...
I am naturally averse to conflict and prefer to cool things down than heat them up unless absolutely necessary ...
Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email, [email protected]; or ...
What I am left thinking is, should I have been more visibly upset, even angry, that she had damaged one of my nicer jackets?
DEAR MISS MANNERS: While outside in the smoking area of a music venue a couple weeks ago, a woman next to me became a little ...
GENTLE READER: She also could have lit your jacket on fire and burned down the music venue, swallowing the whole town along ...
After a stranger’s cigarette left a burn on his jacket, this man is confused about whether his reaction was appropriate; a ...