This problem, which is by no means confined to dollarized economies, brings into question the policy of monetary targeting as opposed to, for example, relying on a wider set of indicators. Although ...
Although less studied and more difficult to discern, other channels may alter the way monetary policy is transmitted, for example: Risk-taking channel: Monetary policy affects the perception of risk ...
How effective monetary policy is at stabilizing prices and economic activity depends in large part on the public’s understanding of the policy framework and strategy. For example, if investors ...
CFR’s Global Monetary Policy Tracker compiles data from 54 countries around the world to highlight significant global trends in monetary policy. Who is tightening policy? Who is loosening policy?
When interest rates rise, for example, savers can earn more on their ... However, many of the impacts of monetary policy are delayed and difficult to evaluate. Additionally, economic participants ...
Monetary policy involves the Federal Reserve raising ... A decision to build a new bridge, for example, will give work and more income to hundreds of construction workers. A decision to spend ...
But a month later the price descended steeply to 27.97 per dollar. This, says Razú Aznar, “was a classic example of the unfortunate macroeconomic and monetary policy that Mexicans are afraid of ...