Six years after testing positive for EPO, former French cyclist Marion Sicot has been given a 10-month suspended prison sentence in court for the import and possession of doping products.
Acclimatiztion Climbing high requires physiological adjustment. Humans were not designed to live at altitudes pushing 8,000 meters – the Death Zone. But our bod ...
A former French professional cyclist was issued a 10-month suspended prison sentence and a €5,000 (£4,230 / $5,209) fine in a ...
EPO (erythropoietin), a hormone that regulates the level of red blood cells in our system, seeks to maintain a healthy balance in our bodies. Xenon amplifies the acclimatization process by helping ...
Recently, the Financial Times released an article featuring a climbing company whose goal is to offer their clients the use ...
International wrestler Monu Dahiya, triple jumper A B Arun, and 10,000m champion Ankit Kumar have received four-year doping ...
As a result of the delayed onset of the beneficial effects of recombinant human EPO, patients who are actively bleeding and hemodynamically unstable are unlikely to benefit from administration of ...
Acanthocyte Erythrocyte identified by numerous spiny cytoplasmic projections; similar to a Burr cell Acanthocytosis, condition in which the majority of erythrocytes are acanthocytes. Anemia ...