New research suggests “microlightning” exchanges among water droplets in Earth’s early atmosphere may have sparked the ...
The School has traditional strengths in palaeobiology, palaeoclimate and the deep Earth, and collaborates with Geographical Sciences and Biological Sciences. Our common interest in the long-term ...
Earth and environmental sciences cover all aspects of Earth and planetary sciences, and broadly encompasses solid Earth processes, surface and atmospheric dynamics, Earth system history ...
Earth’s albedo varies with different surfaces: for example, deserts are highly reflective ... ocean oxygenation and the rise of animal life. Science 315, 92–95 (2006). Catling, D.
"Intelligent design theory" is built on the belief that evolution does not sufficiently explain the complexity that exists in life on Earth and that science should recognize the existence of an ...
What drives us to send probes throughout the solar system and rovers and landers to Mars? It's not cheap, and it's not easy.
A popular model of evolution concludes that it was incredibly unlikely for humanity to evolve on Earth, and that extraterrestrial intelligence is vanishingly rare. But as experts on the entangled ...
More than half a billion years ago on a frigid, ice-covered Earth, glaciers stirred up ingredients for complex life by bulldozing ... of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Curtin University in ...