HALLE: We’re standing in the heart of campus, tucked between stone ... in airplanes. Including one called a Piper aircraft, my namesake. PIPER: Did you know I’m named after the Piper, Dr ...
He loved to fly airplanes, sail boats ... you on your own ♪ ♪ Like a complete unknown ♪ ♪ Like a rolling stone ♪ [ Applause ] -This year's award for Best Screenwriter goes to Winnie ...
The theft of the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey ... Appealing to the U.S. to speed up military-aid airplanes. 32. And to gain help in this struggle, this Frenchman: 1.
A Guarantee Successfully Fulfilled” – Chief Minister: Highlighting the success of the “Sehatmand Punjab” mission, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann today stated that the state government is ...
Heading into Dr. Stone season 4 episode 10, fans were conflicted on what to expect given the abundant ongoing setup the previous installment began. Officially released on Thursday, March 13 ...
Heading into Dr. Stone season 4 episode 9, fans were expecting an installment that put heavy emphasis on the dramatic tension and fallout created by Senku Ishigami’s injury. Officially released ...
On the its most basic level, this episode of Dr. Stone is about the differing philosophies of Senku and Dr. Xeno. When they first begin their correspondence, both are rather idealistic in their ...
On the surface, this week's Dr. Stone is about building a tunnel and preparing for the upcoming battle. But when you dive beneath, it's actually about two people: Taiju and Luna. Taiju is the kind ...
There's actually some slight uncertainty surrounding the Dr. Stone season 4, episode 11 release date. With a suggested episode count of 30 episodes, it would make logical sense to split the anime ...
The Department of Health and Human Services is already headed by a vaccine skeptic, and the Trump administration would like to install a TV doctor to run the nation’s most vital health care ...