Watch on Deadline Related Stories Obituaries Hollywood Reacts To Death of Donald Sutherland ... prepping another Hunger Games prequel movie off Collins upcoming Sunrise on the Reaping, which ...
The pioneering director would have celebrated his 100th birthday this month. Louis Chilton looks at the life and influence of one of cinema’s true greats ...
The pilot features a photo of Rogers from MASH, but after a legal dispute, it was declared a spinoff of the 1970 movie ...
Steven Soderbergh and David Koepp had a very offbeat idea for their next movie. “David and I talked about what it would be like if George and Martha were spies,” Soderbergh says.
This page lists the movies that were either Critics' Picks or included on our annual Best of the Year lists. Movies are alphabetized by the title that we used in our original review. Movie posters ...
The film "The Apprentice", starring Sebastian Stan as a younger Donald Trump ... his team has also threatened legal action against the movie. Stan, Strong and the film's director Ali Abbasi ...
Schumacher knew just the man for the job in an actor he had worked with several times before: Kiefer Sutherland.
Petrie accepted the challenge and sat in the director's chair for the "Mister Magic" episode, starring Sid Caesar. Petrie continued working in television and began a fruitful period directing ...