Dr. Oz is about to take over Medicaid. But he couldn’t answer one crucial question in his Senate confirmation hearing.
Kristen Fischer, an American woman living in India, shared factors she felt India were better in India than in the US. It ...
The New York Times analyzed claims Dr. Oz has made about preventive health measures across 2,500 television appearances, ...
Almost without fail, a person will enter the examination room, make no introduction, and launch into a series of questions or ...
The biggest way the modern series has changed Doctor Who forever is that it ensured the show will last. Even now, as the ...
I foolishly was in a crowded indoor location and got COVID (for the third time). I thought about getting Paxlovid. But I ...
Appearing on ITV’s This Morning show Dr Guy Meadows explained what to do if you wake regularly in the middle of the night ...
I am a 66-year-old woman in fairly good health, but I have visited enough doctors recently to make the following observation: ...
Two bills against acts relative to sexual assaults by adults in positions of authority or trust are on the docket for this year’s legislative session. SD 1367 and HD 2209, if passed in the legislature ...
Texas doctors said there's no harm in getting another measles vaccine if you don't know whether you were vaccinated as a ...
Four years ago, family practitioner Dr. Jeff Chappell retired from his post as medical director of the Wayne Community Health Center in Bicknell, Utah. He ...