Here, the ultimate guide to the most delicious different types of lettuce (plus ... but its broad leaves can also work as lettuce wraps or cups and it makes a fine addition to sandwiches as ...
There are four main types of lettuce: crisphead (commonly known as iceberg), romaine, loose-leaf and butterhead. Although crisphead is the least nutritious, all lettuces provide dietary fiber and ...
There are many different types of lettuce that you can grow in a vegetable garden and romaine lettuce is ideal if you want a tall and crisp head of homegrown lettuce to harvest. A common leaf seen ...
Here's which types of lettuce are most popular, why these greens are good for you and what you need to be mindful of as you include more in your diet.
Butterhead. This is another popular type of lettuce "because of its soft, buttery texture and mild flavor that helps it to go with a lot of different types of ingredients," says LeeAnn Weintraub ...