O’Brien explained that he has truly come around on the artistic merit of the video game medium since the early days of his Clueless Gamer series. After seeing how games were made for his role in Death ...
(CNN) — No, Conan. Oscar can’t sit on a couch. Conan O’Brien hosted this year’s Academy Awards and he has revealed some golden ideas he and his writer weren’t allowed to execute.
During his hosting gig earlier this month, Conan O'Brien had to treat the famous Oscars gold statue as a 'religious icon.' ...
The first-time host dished behind-the-scenes dirt during an episode of SiriusXM's 'Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend,' including his backstage encounter with Mick Jagger and the thing he'll miss most about ...
After making his video game debut in Death Stranding, Conan O'Brien has some funny suggestions about guest-starring in a ...
The cold open elicited big laughs during the Oscars ceremony, with O'Brien addressing Moore, who was seated in the front row, upon stepping onto the stage. "Hi, Demi. How are you? That was weird," he ...
Conan O'Brien has revealed two bizarre restrictions regarding the Oscars statuette. Speaking on the latest episode of his podcast Conan Needs A Friend, the presenter revealed that he had several ideas ...