In a top-secret effort led by the British Admiralty, a revolutionary anti-submarine weapon was developed—one that would ...
“You can see that the metal is bent inward,” Termote says. “This is a kind of damage that could be fatal to a U-boat, stopping her from submerging anymore.” During World War I, more than ...
SAFE Boats International ... administration's new policies more deliberately to minimize the collateral damage that U.S. companies, workers, and taxpayers will end up struggling with.
Lt. Arthur Preston and his PT boat crews did whatever it took to save a downed Navy airman in the South Pacific.
Elon Musk tweeted in 2022 that the Cybertruck "will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat." But a Cybertruck did ...
Think the yellow sprinkling of flora alongside the I-17 highway is testament to a beautiful blooming spring? Think again.
U.S. Coast Guard and New York state Department of Environmental Conservation worked to contain the fuel spill and deal with the salvage of the wrecked boats. The cause of the fire was still under ...
"Considerable damage to the property, but mostly to the boat owners. Some of those people ... The New Rochelle Harbormaster is working with the U.S. Coast Guard and the New York State Department ...
A boat has capsized in southwestern Congo and killed 25 people, many of them soccer players, authorities said Monday.
(MC3 Joseph Calabrese/U.S. Navy ... harbor security boats were moved into the area and a boom emplaced to contain fuel and debris. The start of salvage and recovery operations was delayed several ...
The AuSable River Queen, a paddlewheel boat that provided tours along the AuSable ... The Iosco County community is north of Tawas City along U.S. 23. The former Wurtsmith U.S. Air Force base ...