Calf prices, too, are hanging in strong, with beef-cross calves hitting new highs of $1,200/head. For Holstein heifer calves, ...
The ongoing bird flu outbreak has led to wild bird deaths, slaughtered livestock, and hazardous conditions for dairy industry ...
Beef-on-dairy crossbreeding is the latest step in the evolution of dairy genetics and is now a key driver of the U.S. supply ...
A new H5N1 bird flu mutation has appeared in a cluster of infected dairy cows. It's a genetic change that scientists say ...
In outbreak developments, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) ...
Solvet, of Alberta, Canada, the maker of Lidoband that addresses the pain and discomfort associated with band castration in ...
Beef-on-dairy crossbreeding is the latest step in the evolution of dairy genetics and is now a key driver of the U.S. supply ...
OAD feeding can significantly help this process of weaning and it can also help considerably with the workload at this time ...
Dairy farms have expanded steadily since the 1970s and now compete for economic strength with beef cattle operations.
Of the 53 cases of avian influenza in animals in Oregon, none are dairy cattle. Oregon state veterinarian Dr. Ryan Scholz ...