Explore the latest find from NASA’s Curiosity rover and what it reveals about organic matter beyond our planet.
Curiosity rover cracked open a Martian rock, revealing a sight never before seen on Mars - a dazzling display of yellow ...
Now, scientists are one step closer to answering that question. The NASA Curiosity rover has discovered the largest organic compounds ever found on Mars, suggesting that the conditions for life to ...
NASA’s Curiosity Martian rover finds organic-like, long-chain alkanes preserved in the planet’s mudstone Twelve years after ...
NASA's robotic vehicle has found unprecedentedly large organic molecules on the red planet, although scientists have not been able to determine their origin. They were formed 3.7 billion years ago ...
The Mars Curiosity rover’s onboard mini-lab has helped confirm the existence of the largest organic molecules ever found on ...
Curiosity has gathered dozens of rock samples since landing on the Martian surface in 2012. One of those samples, obtained ...
Researchers caution that the molecules could be of abiotic or biological origin, and do not represent definitive proof of ...