Here are some simple yet effective DIY face mask that can help you remove tan and also soothe sun burn. Apply pure aloe vera gel directly to the sunburned area to soothe and hydrate the skin. Blend ...
Everyone dreams of naturally glowing skin , but the secret lies in using the right ingredients tailored to your skin type.
Nestled among the grits like treasures, they’re seasoned with a light touch that enhances rather than masks their natural sweetness ... Topped with marinated berries and creamy yogurt, they achieve ...
The Destiny's Child star sits down to a lunch of six slices of tomato and four slices of cucumber - and nothing else. "I have to," she admitted. "Photos make you fatter, television adds pounds ...
With the average low-fat fruit yogurt containing 17.9g of sugar in ... Blends such as carrot and beetroot, cucumber or celery are available from juice bars but are beginning to appear in pre ...
Bentonite clay masks suck out the dirt and excess oil from your skin, so I was a little worried it would leave my face feeling like the Sahara, and I’d need a ton of facial moisturizer to make ...
Hydrates and soothes the skin, while honey adds moisture and antibacterial benefits for a radiant glow. Exfoliates and ...