The Reconfigurable CubeSat Swarm project aims to reduce the complexity and cost of sending large structures into space. The team designed, developed, and tested independent CubeSat units with ...
Description: Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX) is a NSF-funded mission to launch three identical CubeSats into LEO to investigate advanced scientific phenomena ...
This involved four CubeSat satellites operating as a swarm to test autonomous collaboration and operation with minimal human operation. Second, was a ground-based scalability study of a simulated ...
Want to build your own CubeSat but have been put off by the price? There may be a solution in the works — [RG Sat] has challenged himself to design and build one for less than $1,000.
The project, known as the Meteroid Impact Detection for Exploration of Asteroids (MIDEA), has an architecture that has become more prominent as of late—a swarm ... as a CubeSat, that weighs ...
The first phase of the Distributed Spacecraft Autonomy (DSA) program was conducted on four Starling cubesats from August ... to set a high-level goal for our swarm and let that swarm sense and ...
NASA has successfully developed and tested Distributed Spacecraft Autonomy (DSA), a groundbreaking technology that enables spacecraft swarms to make independent yet coordinated decisions without ...
Now it is extremely possible, but still not trivial. A CubeSat is a very small satellite that can hitch a ride with a bigger satellite or get tossed out of a friendly space station. This week’s ...