Pale rocks discovered by the Perseverance rover in Jezero Crater reveal surprising clues about Mars' watery past. These formations, rich in kaolinite, suggest a much more turbulent geological history ...
There is no evidence yet, but NASA’s Perseverance rover keeps searching as it crawls across the barren expanse of Jezero Crater, which used to be an ancient crater lake that has long since dried up.
There is no evidence yet, but NASA’s Perseverance rover keeps searching as it crawls across the barren expanse of Jezero Crater, which used to be an ancient crater lake that has long since dried up.
Since it arrived on Mars in 2020, NASA’s Perseverance rover has been scouring the bottom of Jezero crater, a vast ancient lake probably formed by an asteroid impact. But last year, the rover ...
It was a trade that mission scientists were willing to make, and Perseverance has been making impressive progress down the west side of Jezero crater's rim. With a downhill tilt there of 16 ...
More information: C. Royer et al, Intense alteration on early Mars revealed by high-aluminum rocks at Jezero crater, Communications Earth & Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s43247-024-01837-2 ...
The data revealed today come from a rock in Jezero Crater, where the rover landed in 2021 to hunt for signs of Martian life. Aeons ago, the crater held a lake that could have been conducive to life.
A study using radar data from China's now-dead Zhurong rover finds strong evidence that Mars had a stable ocean in the ancient past. Credit: Victor Habbick Visions / Science Photo Library / Getty ...
The Perseverance rover has also found evidence of a river delta in Jezero crater, a mere 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles) from Zhurong's landing site. But both of these craters are thought to have ...
The Perseverance rover, operated by NASA, is exploring Mars a few thousand kilometres away from Zhurong in Jezero Crater. It has found evidence of an ancient river delta, but this is thought to ...