the capitals) by location on a map: see the ... 3:14) Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea - the cities of the seven churches of Revelation (Rev 1:11; 2:1--3:22 ...
Equally unsettling was the map of the Middle East in the national ... The Jewish synagogue and the Christian house church are barely 200 metres from one another; sprinkled about the town are ...
There is now legal precedent at the federal level suggesting that states may never shut down worship entirely again.
"For now, therefore, a new synod will not be convened; instead, the focus will be on consolidating the path taken so far." ...
But for those who may not have somewhere safe to go, churches and local officials are opening storm shelters. North DeKalb Senior/Community Center – 3393 Malone Drive - Opens at 8p Mason Mill ...
Streets closer to religious places, adjacent to churches, or with prominent devout members got their names inspired by them.
It is well to remember that the torch may be removed from the Statue of Liberty just as surely as Ephesus lost her candlestick through the waning of her church’s first love for the Son of man ...