The Earth Sciences contribute to answers on a wide range of societal and economic questions in areas such as: the natural means of existence (water, raw materials, the energy transition), the ...
Structural geology is the study of the deformation of the surface and subsurface of the Earth and other planetary bodies. This deformation reflects past changes in local and regional stress and ...
A test was conducted on the seepage-creep coupling of fault rocks under various stresses, water pressures, and cementation strengths. Based on this, a spatial and temporal evolution model for the ...
Over time, pressure and cementation transform these sediments into sedimentary rocks like sandstone and limestone. The film also discusses how various natural processes, including the remains of ...
Mumbai: The Bombay High Court has permitted Adani Cementation Limited to cut 158 mangrove trees for its proposed jetty project along the Amba River in Raigad district. However, the court ...
Scientists are studying microbial structures in extreme environments to learn more about early life. Experience the connection between rocks and life in our new Evolution Garden where rocks, fossils, ...
A study looking at a small region in Japan has shown that the properties of fault zone rocks really matter for the generation of earthquakes. Earthquakes occur along fault lines between ...
Since the 1990s, scientists have been searching for ways to make rocks absorb carbon dioxide more rapidly through enhanced weathering techniques. Kanan and Stanford postdoctoral scholar Yuxuan ...
These giant rocks could roll at any moment. The fact they haven't offers a window into the shaking of ancient Earth. Visit Jersey thinks individual sites might be worthy of geopark status and ...
Geology is the study of Earth's history, composition and evolution. We tackle this through a multidisciplinary programme stretching from understanding Earth materials, internal processes that cause ...