Birds make sounds to communicate, whether to find a potential mate, ward off predators, or just sing for pleasure.
Bald eagles were nearly eliminated from much of their native range by the 1960s, but have rebounded. Now, they've been ...
While standard bird feeders tap into people’s altruistic sides by allowing users to take care of animals, smart feeders take it a step further ...
This is a good time of year in the Chicago area to monitor your plants for animal damage and to do some pruning. Other than ...
The northern cardinal is the state bird and lives in Illinois year-round. Clark Hudmon, owner of Barn Owl Garden Center in ...
Yet as two alpha species—humans and eagles—expand their domain, he recognizes the odds of renewed conflict. Contemplating that possibility, Cook envisions his collection inspiring empathy for the ...
The cardinal was early named, in the Spanish-speaking Southwest, for the red-colored robes of cardinals in the Roman Catholic ...
There were several headliners during Sunday’s annual Concord Christmas Bird Count in the Bedford sector. According to Frank ...
This year marks the 125th anniversary of the Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count. In Maine, the tradition has been popular ...
Tom Mizik has been a birdwatcher for more than 50 years and a carver of birds for more than 30. He mostly does Colorado birds ...
Local birdwatching enthusiasts tallied 57 species of birds during the 64th consecutive Christmas Bird Count, held Sunday, Dec. 15, in a 15-mile "count circle" that included both and East Grand Forks.