He goes on to say he is Shazam and the hero is Captain ... From there, Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel and the rest of the Marvel Family slipped into obscurity, remembered and discussed only among ...
A stunned Mary just looked on. The runaway success of Shazam/Captain Marvel in the 1940s inspired his then-publisher Fawcett to create a whole family of characters based on him. Within a few years ...
That's because someone else took his place. Captain Marvel was another hero that made his debut in "Whiz Comics #2" in the late 1939 published by Fawcett Comics. It featured a 12-year-old orphaned ...
and if it hadn't been for Shazam, we would not have had Captain Marvel. Ironically enough, Superman, as we know, might not have existed without Shazam as well. During the first few years ...