The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has enhanced its IATA CO2 Connect emissions calculator to account for ...
Advancements and challenges in feedstock analysis for #biodiesel and #HVO production. Read our latest feature from @BDI.
IATA has enhanced its CO2 Connect tool to better account for alternative aviation fuels, making emissions calculations more ...
This chart shows the y-o-y change in China's CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and cement (in million tonnes of CO2).
Instead of buying cleaner fuel, the airline industry is fueling its rapid growth by burning more cheap and dirty fossil jet fuel. Billions of litres more, and that's sending their climate impact ...
Canada’s forest is in trouble – and so are we. Chainsaws and fossil fuel burning are draining billions of tonnes of CO2 out ...
Although there are other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, focusing on only CO2 gives a good approximation of how various actions on emissions will affect overall long-term ...
IATA announced enhancements to its CO2 Connect emissions calculator in order to account for emissions reductions related to the use of SAF.